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-Golden Techites
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Emanuel Aaronson (1919)
Ruth Artis (Lowe) (1933)
Dorothy Beltrone (1933)
Bernard Berman (1929)
Phyllis Berry (1964)
Lavina Bias-Jernagin (1966)
Ernest O. Bleuer (1955)
Jackie L Boddie (Boddie) (1965)
Hugo Bonuccelli (1933)
Ann Boos (1955)
Ann Bradley (1955)
Raymond Brady (1950)
Eupert Braithwaite
Tyrone Broady (Broady) (1974)
Crystal Brooks (Jackson) (1965)
Evelyn Brown (1965)
Sheila Brown (Woodard) (1974)
Edwin Brubaker (1955)
Candice Bryant (Bryant) (1965)
Jacob Burch (1935)
Helen Calomaris (Gotsis) (1937)
Nicolo Catucci (1939)
Pete Chumbris (1931)
Pauline Clark (Barker) (1938)
Roy Clarke Jr (1943)
Lyla Coates (1913)
Thomas F Coghlan (1921)
Morton Cohn (1938)
Marcia Connerly (Hooks) (1968)
James E Cowling (1928)
Nathala Cox (Thompson) (1939)
Sylvia B De Meritt (1932)
Grace Deanna (Preinkert) (1942)
Edward Denison (1924)
John Derrick (1925)
Irena Di Carlantonio (1947)
Vernon Dodge W/C (1942)
Raymond Dodson (1940)
Josephine Donnelly (Parreco) (1934)
Lyn Dyson (1970)
Helen Easton (Sherwood) (1937)
Deborah Edge (1969)
Ralph Edwards (1945)
Margaret S Enright (1933)
Frankie Evans (Allen) (1959)
Telana Felder (1974)
Solomon Feldman (1923)
Milton Fischer (Fischer) (1940)
Sammie Fitzgerald (1974)
Carol Fleming (1965)
Gwynette Ford (Lacy) (1969)
Angelina Formant (Kalavitinos) (1943)
Pat Fox (1950)
Patricia Francis (1957)
Ernest Grant (1965)
Pamela Greene (Greene-Hol…) (1974)
David Grimes (1924)
Donnell Harris (1974)
Lawrence Harry (1922)
Charles Harvey (1933)
Raymond Hayden (1932)
Ruth Heintz (Wilson) (1934)
John V Hinkel (1925)
Murray Howder (1950)
Catharine Howe (Hessler) (1942)
Gwendolyn Ingram (Thaller) (1960)
JoAnn Jackson (Piper) (1968)
Albert Jones (1927)
Russell Jones (Jones) (1968)
Benita Kiah (1974)
Cammille King (Taylor) (1971)
John Kolb (1923)
Charles Koons (1925)
Patricia Krell (Yates) (1954)
Ruth Kuhn (1945)
Samuel Lebowitz (1924)
Felicia Leggett (Lightfoot) (1969)
Juanita Leyva (1942)
Irving Lichman (Louis M. ) (1933)
Billie Long (1945)
Dean Longfellow (1930)
Linda Louers (1970)
Patricia Love (1966)
Billye Malachi (Morrison) (1968)
Louis Marinaccio, Jr (1949)
Eleanor Markward (1941)
Grace Mason (1940)
Regina McBride (Weston) (1974)
Vincent P McCarron (1941)
John McCauley, Jr. (Brown) (1969)
Barbara McCoy (1968)
June McCubbin (Norris) (1947)
Mary McDermott (1939)
Albert McDowell Jr. (1935)
Marguerite J Mills (1932)
Raymond Guy Moore Jr (1934)
Kathrine W. Nalley (Kendall) (1941)
Sherrill Nettles (Hawkins) (1974)
Martin Oertel (1933)
Rickie Owens (Owens-Mann) (1966)
Sue Panzer (1937)
John Patterson Jr. (1923)
Sheila Poole/Queen (P…) (1968)
James Popham (1942)
Dorothy Powell (Brown) (1972)
Delores Powers (1966)
David E Preinkert (1953)
Joyce Ramierez (Aiken) (1941)
Perry Redd (1974)
Gail Redmann
Charles E Sener (1919)
Thomas Sheppard (1940)
Leon Shinberg (1924)
Bennetta Smith (1965)
Lucile St Hoyme (1941)
Barbara Stanley (Currie) (1969)
Arthur Storey (1933)
Deborah Strong (Hubb) (1972)
Nancy Suggs
Jack Sutphin (1949)
Frederick Tansill (1932)
Rene E Tardugno (Hardesty) (1943)
Paula Thompson (Hasty) (1974)
Edward Thrasher (1934)
Sheila Tiedemann (Sloan) (1949)
Zara Jean Tomlin (Kreilich) (1949)
Jean Verbillis (Verbillis) (1955)
Theodora Verikios (1951)
Katherine M Wassmann (1931)
Diane Watkins (Barker) (1965)
Kennedy Watkins (1930)
Norman Weed (1933)
Patricia Wheeler (1968)
Sheila Wilson (Wilson) (1973)
Leesa Woolfolk (1968)
Fannie Jo Wynn (Tate) (1966)